
пушистый имя прилагательное:
пушистый (fluffy, fuzzy, furry, downy, bushy, cottony)
пуховый (downy)
холмистый (hilly, rolling, knobby, downy, up-and-down)
нежный (tender, gentle, delicate, affectionate, soft, downy)
мягкий (soft, mild, gentle, bland, benign, downy)
продувной (sharp, smart, downy)
мягкий как пух (downy)
хитрый (cunning, tricky, sly, artful, crafty, downy)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "downy" в других словарях:

  • Downy — (sans majuscule) est un groupe japonais dont la musique mêle post rock, post punk, ambiant et shoegaze (on retrouve aussi dans certains morceaux des influences électroniques ou jazz). De ce mélange découle une atmosphère sombre, lourde, à la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Downy — Down y ( [y^]), a. 1. Covered with down, or with pubescence or soft hairs. A downy feather. Shak. [1913 Webster] Plants that . . . have downy or velvet rind upon their leaves. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. Made of, or resembling, down. Hence,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • downy — 1570s, from DOWN (Cf. down) (n.1) + Y (Cf. y) (2) …   Etymology dictionary

  • downy — [adj] fluffy featherlike, feathery, fleecy, fuzzy, light, plumate, plumose, pubescent, silky, soft, velutinous, velvety, woolly; concepts 604,606 …   New thesaurus

  • downy — ► ADJECTIVE (downier, downiest) ▪ covered with fine soft hair or feathers …   English terms dictionary

  • downy — [dou′nē] adj. downier, downiest 1. of or covered with soft, fine feathers or hair 2. soft and fluffy, like down …   English World dictionary

  • Downy — See also Down feather and Downey. For the band, see Downy (band). Downy is a brand name of fabric softener produced by Procter Gamble and sold in the United States. It entered the U.S. test market in August 1960 and went nationwide in December… …   Wikipedia

  • downy — [[t]da͟ʊni[/t]] downier, downiest 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Something that is downy is filled or covered with small soft feathers. ...the warm downy quilt. ...the white downy bodies of two chicks. 2) ADJ GRADED Something that is downy is covered… …   English dictionary

  • downy — UK [ˈdaʊnɪ] / US adjective Word forms downy : adjective downy comparative downier superlative downiest covered in very soft small hairs or feathers …   English dictionary

  • downy — /ˈdaʊni/ (say downee) adjective (downier, downiest) 1. of the nature of or resembling down; fluffy; soft. 2. made of down. 3. covered with down. 4. soft; soothing; calm. –phrase 5. downy bird, Colloquial a canny person. {Phrase Origin: ? from… …  

  • downy — adjective Having down, covered with a soft fuzzy coating as of small feathers. The chicks downy coat of feathers formed almost immediately to keep it warm …   Wiktionary

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